0) return true; else return false; } } // image verification codes include "crypt.inc"; $rand = urlencode(encrypt(substr(str_shuffle("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRTUVWXYZ234679"), 0, 5))); $rand64 = base64_encode($rand); // form processing and email codes session_start(); $show_form = true; $p_process = "yes"; if(strlen($_POST[process]) == 0) { foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$value) unset($_SESSION[$key]); session_regenerate_id(true); } else if($_POST[process] == "reset") { foreach($_SESSION as $key=>$value) unset($_SESSION[$key]); session_regenerate_id(true); } else if($_POST[process] == "yes") { foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) $_SESSION["$key"] = $value; extract($_SESSION, EXTR_OVERWRITE | EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "p"); // input validation $errors = array(); if(strlen($p_name) < 3) array_push($errors, "Full Name too short or blank."); if(!checkemail($p_email)) array_push($errors, "Your E-Mail Address too short, blank or invalid."); if(strlen($p_country) == 0) array_push($errors, "No Country selected."); if(strlen($p_phone) < 7) array_push($errors, "Phone Number is too short, blank or invalid."); if(strlen($p_project_type) == "") array_push($errors, "Desired Project Type not specified."); if(strlen($p_completion_time) == "") array_push($errors, "Project Completion Time not specified."); if(strlen($p_page_count) == "") array_push($errors, "Estimated Page Count not specified."); if(strlen($p_budget_range) == "") array_push($errors, "Budget Range not specified."); if(strlen($p_features_required) < 10) array_push($errors, "Nothing mentioned about the Features You Would Like To Have."); if($p_security1 != decrypt(urldecode(base64_decode($p_security2)))) //array_push($errors, "Image Verification Code is blank or does not match with the original image."); ob_start(); if(count($errors) > 0) { echo "$msg_error\\n\\n"; $errors = array_reverse($errors); while($error = array_pop($errors)) echo " - $error\\n"; echo "\\nPlease remember to re-enter the Image Verification Code before submiting your information."; $show_form = true; } else { echo "$msg_confirm"; $p_process = "confirm"; $show_form = false; } $response = ''; } else if($_POST[process] == "edit") { extract($_SESSION, EXTR_OVERWRITE | EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "p"); $show_form = true; $p_process = "yes"; } else if($_POST[process] == "confirm") { extract($_SESSION, EXTR_OVERWRITE | EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "p"); $show_form = false; $p_process = "confirm"; ob_start(); if(strlen($_SESSION[process]) <= 0) echo $msg_cookie_error; else { $fields = array( "p_quotation_no" => "Quotation No.", "p_name" => "Full Name", "p_businessname" => "Business Name", "p_email" => "E-mail Address", "p_address" => "Address", "p_country" => "Country", "p_state" => "City/Province/State", "p_postcode" => "Postal Code/Zip", "p_phone" => "Phone", "p_fax" => "Fax", "p_project_type" => "Desired Project Type", "p_current_link" => "Current Website Link", "p_domain_required" => "Require Domain Name", "p_hosting_required" => "Require Website Hosting", "p_supply_source_material" => "Provide Source Material", "p_completion_time" => "Project Completion Time", "p_page_count" => "Estimated Page Count", "p_budget_range" => "Budget Range", "p_internet_knowledge" => "Internet Knowledge", "p_features_required" => "Features To Have", "p_additional_comments" => "Additional Comments", ); $email_message = "Quotation $quotation_no"; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { if(strlen($$key) <= 0) continue; //$space = str_repeat(" ", 30 - strlen($value)); $email_message .= ""; } $email_message .= "
" . $value . ":" . $$key . "
"; if(@mail($email_to, "Quotation Request [$quotation_no]", $email_message, "From: \"$p_name\" <$email_from>\r\nReply-to: \"$p_name\" <$p_email>\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n")) { echo $msg_thankyou; $email_message = "Hello $p_name,\r\n\r\nWe have received your request for a quotation. This is an automatic response to confirm you about the reception of your request. We will contact you soon with a quotation for your project.\r\n\r\nThank You.\r\n$email_name"; @mail("\"$p_name\" <$p_email>", "Re: Quotation Request [$quotation_no]", $email_message, "From: \"DigitalVisionBD.com\" <$email_to>"); } else echo $msg_unknown_error; $response = ''; } } ?> Web Design Company In USA, CANADA, INDIA, BANGLADESH - Digital Vision
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Contact Information
* With orange color is required by Digital Vision
Quotation No :
Full Name :
Business Name :
E-mail Address :
Address :
Country :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_country ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?> *  
City/Province/State :
Postal Code/Zip :
Phone :
Fax :
Project Detail
Desired Project Type :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_project_type ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?> *  
Current Website Link :
Do You Require Domain Name? :
$option "; } ?>  
Do You Require Website Hosting? :
$option "; } ?>  
Will You Provide Us Source Material? :
$option "; } ?>  
Project Completion Time :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_completion_time ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?> *  
Estimated Page Count :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_page_count ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?> *  
Budget Range :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_budget_range ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?> *  
What's Your Internet Knowledge? :
"; foreach($options as $option) { $selected = $option == $p_internet_knowledge ? " selected" : ""; if($option == "Please Select") echo ""; else echo ""; } echo ""; ?>  
Features You Would Like To Have :
Any Additional Comments or References :
Image Verification Code :

Image Verification Code

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